Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Q1 FY 2012-13

CIPLA LIMITED has released its results for the first quarter ending June, 2012.

1      Net Sales  for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.1917.38 Cr; up by 5.7% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.1814.05 Cr); and up by 23.68% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.1550.33 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by  12.66% (Rs.6807.68 Cr).

        Other Operating Income for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.40.81 Cr; down by     -20.79% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.51.52 Cr); and up by 25.88% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.32.42 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by        -3.87% (Rs.169.82 Cr).

        Total income from operations (net)  for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.1958.19 Cr; up by 4.96% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.1865.57 Cr); and up by 23.72% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.1582.75 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by  12.26% (Rs.6977.5 Cr).

2      Expenses 
                Cost of materials consumed      for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.550.7 Cr; down by -11.63% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.623.15 Cr); and up by 1.79% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.541.04 Cr) ; and down proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by  -4.26% (Rs.2300.85 Cr).

                Purchases of stock-in-trade for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.151.85 Cr; up by 29.31% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.117.43 Cr); and up by 2.32% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.148.41 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 9.33% (Rs.555.55 Cr).

                Employee benefits    for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.213 Cr; up by 17.02 % from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.182.02 Cr); and up by 24.39% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.171.23 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 17% (Rs.728.21Cr).

                Depreciation     for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.72.82 Cr; up by 3.35% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.70.46 Cr); and up by 3.66% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.70.25 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by     3.27% (Rs. 282.07 Cr).

                Other expenses  for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.472.92 Cr; down by -7.69% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.512.29 Cr); and up by 23.67% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.382.42 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 5.11% (Rs.1799.79Cr).

        Total expenses for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.1491.16 Cr; down by   -3% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.1537.25 Cr); and up by 15.4% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.1292.13 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 5.05% (Rs.5677.71Cr).

3      Profit from operations  for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.467.03 Cr; up by 42.25% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.328.32 Cr); and up by 60.7% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.290.62 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 43.72% (Rs.1299.79 Cr).

4      Other Income for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.53.06 Cr; up by36.23% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.38.95 Cr); and up by 28.69% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.41.23 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by     43.12 % (Rs.148.3 Cr).
5      Profit before finance costs (3+4)  for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.520.09 Cr; up by 41.61% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.367.27 Cr); and up by 56.72% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.331.85 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 43.66% (Rs.1448.09 Cr).

6      Finance costs  for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.1.09 Cr; down by -51.56% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.2.25 Cr); and down by  -90.89% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.11.96 Cr) ; and down proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by -83.63% (Rs.26.63 Cr).

7      Profit before tax (5-6)  for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.519 Cr; up by 42.18% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.365.02 Cr); and up by 62.24% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.319.89 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 46.05% (Rs.1421.46 Cr).

8      *Tax expense   for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.118.24 Cr; up by 61.35% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.73.28 Cr); and up by 77.67% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.66.55 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by     58.98% (Rs.297.5 Cr).

9      Net Profit  after tax (7-8) for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.400.76 Cr; up by 37.37% from Q4.FY 12 (Rs.291.74 Cr); and up by 58.19% from Q1 FY 12 (Rs.253.34 Cr) ; and up proportionately (i.e., Q1 FY 13 x 4 vs FY 12) from FY 12 Total by 42.62% (Rs.1123.96 Cr).

10     Paid-up equity share capital (FV Rs.2/share) for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.160.58Cr.

12     Basic and Diluted EPS (Rs.) for Q1 FY 13 stands at Rs.4.99; Rs.3.63 for Q4 FY 12; Rs.3.16 for Q1 FY 12; and Rs.14 for the whole of FY 12.

        % of Public holding in the company is 62.97%.


Income from operations crossed Rs. 2000 cr for the quarter and posted a growth of about 24%. Domestic sales grew by more than 30% and export sales grew by about 18%. Operating margins and profits after tax have increased by more than 47% and 58% respectively.

% of exports to total sales Was 50.2% in Q1 FY 13 compared to 52.7% in Q1 FY 12. But, in absolute terms, exports have grown by 18%.

Material cost has decreased by 5% mainly on account of changes in product mix viz. lower proportion of anti-retrovirals and higher contribution of anti-depressant segment (Escitalopram) coupled with increased realizations. As a result, operating margins have also increased by about 5%.

The increase in staff cost (Rs. 42 cr) is due to annual increments and increase in manpower. Other expenditure has increased by Rs. 91 cr for the quarter on account of increase in marketing expenses, professional fees, travel expenditure, etc. Tax for the current quarter has marginally increased due to higher profits.

        COMMENTS : Overall, CIPLA  has done very well both on Sales front and on Profitability.

*  *  *  E  N  D  *  *  *

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